The new year is just around the corner, and across the globe, writers are drawing up resolutions to get their novels finished, short stories published, and coffee drinking under control. Goals can be powerful tools,…
How-tos, productivity, writing advice, and more.
Famous Authors on Outlining a Novel — Should You do it?
Outlining versus winging it. This is one of the most debated topics in the writing community. Every writing group has that guy whose method consists of sitting down after a quick smoke and just “letting…
4 Things That Keep Writers from Finishing Their Novel (And How to Overcome Them)
Over the past two years, I’ve written two complete novels — one of which is currently on its 7th draft — while attending university and working part-time. It’s a good feeling to make strong progress, but I haven’t always…
How to Get Back Into Writing
Writers are notorious for not writing. We often have “dry spells” during which we simply can’t get a single word typed. When these periods of non-productivity get out of control, we may wake to find…